Go Markdown

A Markdown parser using the Go. The parser is capable of handling basic Markdown (as specified in the spec: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax ) syntax and most of the extended features (https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/#extended-syntax ). Non-functional requirements Ease of Use: The parser should be easy to integrate into a project, requiring minimal setup and configuration. Extensibility: The design should allow for easy extension to support additional Markdown features or custom syntax. Compatibility: The parser should adhere to common Markdown standards and be compatible with various Markdown flavors....

May 12, 2024 · 1 min · 139 words · Me

Go Bootstrap

Go-bootstrap A simple library allowing easy usage of creating Bootstrap components. Additionally, it holds some generating code to generate on the fly both Table and Form Bootstrap elements from Go structs. Finally, it provides an easy to use, and extend interface for raw HTML generation, so custom elements or extensions are easy to make on this library. Rationale Why this project? I didn’t like that I had to write a lot of the same code for forms, and tables for my projects....

April 30, 2024 · 1 min · 97 words · Me

Dmailserver Rest Api

Introduction A simple REST API server exposing setup.sh of Docker mailserver, able to run with low amounts of ram. Project repository: https://github.com/pjotrscholtze/dmailserver-rest-api Rationale I wanted to be able to programmatically access setup.sh, via an API. Because I want to make a small UI around it, together with some of my other services that I host. And since I thought I wouldn’t be the only person that could use something like this, hence this little project....

March 31, 2024 · 3 min · 447 words · Me

Go Monitoring

Introduction A simple monitoring server, able to run with low amounts of ram. Web UI is available, and sends status messages to Gotify. Project repository: https://github.com/pjotrscholtze/go-monitoring Rationale and requirements Since I wanted to have a small monitioring service for different projects that I’m playing with, I thought it would be a nice small project to build. Additionally, I didn’t want it to use a lot of resources but still be powerful enough to run arbitrary checks, and some coded checks....

April 16, 2023 · 1 min · 154 words · Me

Go Buildserver

Introduction A simple build server, able to run with low amounts of ram. Web UI is available. Project repository: https://github.com/pjotrscholtze/go-buildserver Rationale Before I used both Jenkins , and Drone , in non-cloud environments. While Drone is nice it is for some projects as it allows running each build step in a separate Kubernetes pod. It is also more bureaucratic, and thus slow to start. In smaller projects this can be a bottleneck, Jenkins is then faster, but still is not the fastest solution on limited resources, and also uses a decent chunk of RAM e....

March 29, 2023 · 2 min · 233 words · Me