Upgrading PhpVirtualbox From 6.x to 7.x on Debian Bullseye, the journey

In my previous blog post I’ve described how to install PhpVirtalbox version 6.x however jazzdd released a new version Jenkins. In this post I’m describing my journey to update to version 7.x, since the frontend is not compatible with the older version of virtualbox :/. PhpVirtualbox 7.x is not compatible with 7.0 Removing the old version of Virtualbox No big surprises here, and if you’re trying to follow allong....

November 19, 2023 · 8 min · 1527 words · Me

Running (php)Virtualbox on a Readonly Root System

Since I like to run servers from USB sticks and store the server data on harddisks. It is wise to make the root-file system read-only, to extend the life of a USB-stick. However, some programs require extra configuration to do this, since I could not find a post to do this with VirtualBox I’m making this one. Figuring out which files need to be writeable for Virtualbox We can use strace, to find the calls an application makes to the OS, (If you’re using Windows, process monitor can do similar, but still different things (including registry access) )....

January 2, 2023 · 2 min · 339 words · Me

Running PhpVirtualbox Inside of Kubernetes

This guide assumes you’re running Debian (10), this guide will use Virtualbox 5.2. If you’re running version 6, of Virtualbox, please use the VBOX6.x tag of the jazzdd/phpvirtualbox Docker image. Look here for debian 11: https://linuxopsys.com/topics/install-virtualbox-on-debian Install Virtualbox on the host As root run the following commands. apt install virtualbox-5.2 Edit or create _/etc/default/virtualbox _and make sure you set the username and host settings (update it with the information for your setup) e....

November 7, 2022 · 3 min · 538 words · Me